Friday, 26 August 2016

WK5 T3 Reflection

Heres my maths it was so hard to do but i got some help by larissa . I am most proud of is how I did the stuff in my book,  because i have never did it like that before. I liked  writing it all in my book. I did a slide because to fit all of my stuff on it. The purpose of this is to learn convert a fraction into a decimal and a percentage.  I need to keep practicing this, but I am getting better.

Last week it week it was book week I was dressed up as Matilda  I found it fun  because  I got to see other peoples costumes  I am most proud of how much writing I did  because i was good at describing what we wore.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Reflections Week 3 Term 3

Last week I did my speech on my chicken  Kitty. She is a bantam chicken so that makes her very small she is in my hand if you can see her. I have two other bantams at home one hen and one rooster. I was really pleased with my speech but next time I need to work on making sure I talk a wee bit louder.

Friday, 5 August 2016

Reflections Week 1 Term 3

This is my writing and it is called 2 lies 1 truth.  We had to create 2 lies and a truth about what we had done in the holidays and then people had to guess which one was the truth.