Tuesday 19 March 2019

Brunner Mine Site Visit

This week Totora 3 went on an adventure to the Brunner Mine.

We got to learn about something called coke.  Coke is something they used as a stronger coal that burns faster and makes more flames.

My favorite part was when we got to dress up and take pictures.  I was Aunt Edith,  mother of Mary.

I am grateful for Mrs Mears and Mrs Barber for taking us around the Brunner Mine and teaching us lots of new things.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rylan, Thanks for sharing your reflection of out class trip to the Brunner Mine Site. I like how you shared one fact you learnt while we were there.My favourite activity was also when you dressed up and posed for photos. I was impressed with your ability to take on the emotions of the character you were playing. Next time it would be good to give some background on why we were visiting this special place as people from outside of our area may not know the history of the Brunner Mine Site. What was the purpose of our visit?


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